What are sustainable landscapes and why are they important?

We all want to live in – and leave to our children and grandchildren – a healthy, safe and beautiful planet. And yet we so often feel helpless in the face of global environmental crises.

What most of us don’t fully appreciate is the role our personal gardening decisions can play in addressing those problems. Thoughtfully designed landscapes can protect and even regenerate natural systems, increasing the ecological services they provide. These include producing oxygen, cleaning water, controlling flooding and pests, photosynthesizing, pollinating crops, moderating severe weather, building and protecting topsoil and removing atmospheric carbon.

A sustainable landscape is one that meets our needs without compromising those of future generations. It conserves wildlife habitats, manages precipitation onsite, minimizes irrigation, protects soil health, uses native plants, controls invasives, promotes biodiversity, manages materials responsibly, reduces light and noise pollution, emphasizes renewable energy sources, and avoids pesticide and fertilizer use. Designed well, a sustainable landscape can also be gorgeous.

Let’s work together to enjoy — and leave behind — a healthier and more beautiful home.